
Al Maase Accounting ‐ In‐Country Value Certification Expertise for Empowering Business Growth

In Country Value (ICV) Certification

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company's (ADNOC) In-Country Value (ICV) Certification is a mandate for all suppliers of goods and services. All suppliers are required to calculate and declare their ICV scores for the previous financial year and expoundhow they are helping to deliver ICV.

Those suppliers that do not acquire and possess ICV Certificates can participate in Group tenders, however, their 'ZERO' value can be a disadvantage when compared to those suppliers with a higher ICV.

Al Maase Accounting ‐ In‐Country Value Certification Expertise for Empowering Business Growth

How to acquire ICV Certification

Certifying Bodies provide quotations

Sign an Engagement Letter with one of the Certifying Bodies

The Certifying Body will evaluate the organization

Final ICV Certificate is issued for the company


  • You will have a dedicated staff/ team from Al Maase to manage your daily accounting and bookkeeping.
  • You don’t have to spend time understanding and learning the intricacies of The Middle East’s rules and laws related to business accounting.
  • You are free to do more that benefits your business in the long run.
  • Your team is free of tasks that take up a lot of time. This results in having more time to focus on their core tasks.
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